Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011


This weekend I realized that most of life is about your mindset. 
If you start out each day with a mindset that you can do anything that you put your mind to then YOU WILL get it done. 

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." – Thomas Jefferson

With that said... I am getting back into running. I realized the only reason I stopped was because I told myself I wasnt in the running shape I wanted to be in. BUT guess what, My BODY is capable of running whatever distance I make it run. JUST DO IT.
The main thing  that has helped me is NOT to think about things so much. I always plan everything out in my day and go by it. What I realized was that what if I was in the mood to do something other than what I planned the day before. YEP. This brings in the weather, my mood, others schedules, you name it. 

I challenge everyone to make a list of 5 goals you want to accomplish that week and GET IT DONE. No questioning yourself. Just start it and get it done. 

New song of the week

The weather is calling for some grilling!
My favorite things to grill are....Salmon, Tilapia, Honey Djon Chicken, and Roasted Veggies!

The best way to roast vegetables are to cut up summer squash, zucchini, and onions.
Get two rectangles of tinfoil and place the cut up veggies and toss lightly with extra virgin olive oil and seasoned salt. 
Close up the foil and place on the grill. 
It will take about 15 min but keep checking until the veggies are slightly browned.
Eat it straight from the foil or I guess you could share.

You can do this with any vegetables...this is just my favorite combination.

I am also selling the wicking headbands again, and have every color available right now  from the pictures. If you have any questions just email me :)


Friday, April 8, 2011

10 Superfoods!

                             Top 10 SUPERFOODS! 
1.   Kale …Spinach…Broccoli
2.   Greek Yogurt
3.   Berries (the darker the better)
4.   Quinoa
5.   Natural Oatmeal (steel cut or 5 grain best options)
6.   Almonds and Walnuts
7.   Wild Salmon
8.   Garlic and onions
9.   Extra Virgin Olive Oil
10.Dark Chocolate (70% or higher)

****What is Quinoa? What are its health benefits?****
Quinoa is Gluten Free and easy to digest.It is high in protein and contains all 9 essential amino acids, which makes it a COMPLETE PROTEIN! It also contains fiber and b vitamens, as well as iron, magnesium, and more! Quinoa should become a staple food in your diet and there are ways to make it sweet and savory or grainy and salty!

The QUINOA doubles in size when cooked. An easy way to cook it is boil 1.5 cups of water and place 1 cup of uncooked QUINOA into the boiling water. Turn down the heat and let it simmer for 15 min. Then remove from heat and let it cool for 5 min. Then place in 4 separate containers and this way you will have single servings ready to go! You can mix it into anything. It can act like oatmeal, pasta, rice or put it in salad, soup, stirfry!
* You can even add it to baked goods! (like cookies) 
quinoa nutrient label for calories, carbohydrates, fiber

Cooked and dried quinoa

Quinoa and Black Beans


  • 1 tsp Extra virgin olive oil 
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
  •  3/4 cup uncooked quinoa
  • 1.5 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • salt n peppa to taste
  • 2 (15 ounce) cans black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro


Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the onion and garlic, and saute until lightly browned.

Mix quinoa into the saucepan and cover with vegetable broth. Season with cumin, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes,

 Mix in the black beans and cilantro in the saucepan with everything together.
